Friday, 8 November 2013

Flash Fiction Friday #81

Hi Everyone and welcome to this week's Flash Fiction! 100 words and a handful of authors scratching their heads! Here's mine enjoy:


"Pineapple?" asked Miranda eyeing the fruit on the table with some suspicion.
"I suppose you could call it art, but why the tin?"
"Choices, we all have choices, tinned or fresh, real or fake." replied Jack.
"And what are you Jack?"
Jack walked towards Miranda and held her close to him,
"I'm the real deal baby, I won't let you down."
“In that case I’m all yours Jack and I will be sweeter than the juice dripping onto that table.”
Jack brushed Miranda’s lips with his own,
“The judges won’t be here for another hour…”

Phew, quite a toughie this week! Thank you for stopping by.
To read the other flashes please click on the links below:


  1. Gemma, that was soooooo sexy! I have to admit, I was a total stump on this photo this week and your clever approach left me in awe. Loved it:) xo

  2. I want to know what is going to happen in that hour. And where. Great flash

  3. Ooooh, yes, love it!
